Originally published in CenterPoint Counseling's Christmas Tips
Share an experience! CenterPoint Counseling Board Member Alicia Gooden suggests you do something positive or helpful for others. This will help keep you centered on the purpose of the holiday. You could donate food to a shelter or pantry, buy a toy for a child in need, or volunteer your time to serve others.
Therapist Carol Hornbeck agrees that:
The commercial aspects of Christmas can contribute to over-stimulation and disillusionment for children and others.
She encourages you to develop simple home rituals such as family advent devotions. This helps children celebrate the whole Christmas season and takes some of the focus off of consumption. In addition, doing a family service project together can also create a powerful memory. The project does not have to be elaborate or time consuming. It could be as simple as helping children sort through their toys to find a few they can donate to a shelter. These acts help everyone, even young children, raise awareness of their own blessings and the importance of helping those less fortunate.